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What do you want to label?
There are 4 types of label, choose one based on what you want to stick the label to. Select one or read more about the label types.
What size of wrap-label?
Select one or more options so that we can give you the right size of label. We will make sure the label is long enough to go around your chosen items and the printed text will be fully visible when the label is applied.
Wrap labels are longer than standard labels so they are slightly more expensive. The price is always shown in your basket.
Choose a layout
This shows the approximate layout of your text. The exact positioning and size will be optimised by hand before printing. You can change the label text right here in the preview.
Enter your text
What text do you want on your label? You can enter anything in any box, the name of the box is just a guide.
Choose a Color combination
Square or rounded?
Anything else?